Registration for Online Class

The practice of gentle yoga combines mindful movement and breath with standing, seated, and restful floor-based practices to nourish the body, mind, and heart. Through the use of props, we will support the body in gentle movement to allow you a sense of ease and steadiness.

SCHEDULE: Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays, 9:00-10:00 a.m. PT (online via Zoom)

RECOMMENDED LEVEL: Beginner-Intermediate

SPECIAL CLASS NOTES: At home props can be creative. Bolster = pillow, folded blanket. Block = books, piece of wood. Strap = robe belt, towel, long band.

REGISTRATION: Requested for first time participants so that we can collect your waiver release. Once registered, you will receive an automated confirmation email containing the online class link. The class link will remain the same for the balance of the year.

YOGI: Becca