Healthy Conversations connects you – our community – with our experts around topics related to health and wellness, with an emphasis on the heart connection.
TOPIC: Moving Your Body at Any Age
GUEST: Will Bruce, NBC-HWC, health coach, Providence Health Plan
HOST: Dr. James Beckerman, medical director, Heart Programs, Providence Heart Institute
No matter your age, engaging in a regular form of movement daily - and throughout the day - is important to help us complete our tasks and do the things we love. Let's discuss why this is important, how to approach starting or expanding your current routine, and what types of movement are beneficial across the ages. We will also share tips on creating a sustainable plan and ideas to get involved with free community programs this winter.
SCHEDULE: Virtual (via Teams), December 2, 5:30-6:30 p.m. PT
REGISTRATION: First time participants are required to register. You will receive an automated email confirmation with the online access link.