Gather ideas or connect with opportunities as we share links to activities that can be done from home, with a group, or on your own. Most events are local to Portland, OR but can offer inspiration to those joining us from around the world.
Get Involved
Doing good for others helps you feel better too. This is our Heal it Forward mantra!
We love knowing our community members take time to lend a helping hand within their own neighborhoods — either selecting from the ideas below or finding other ways to get involved. We continue to support virtual ideas along with in-person opportunities (Portland, OR) and update this page as we learn of new ways and new ideas.
Lend A Helping Hand
Lettering writing/cards/etc.
Providence Heart Institute: write notes for heart patients, these will be delivered to patients - you can mail cards or email a message and it will be added to a card.
Lift UP: cards to clients receiving grocery deliveries.
Meals on Wheels: lunch bag decorating for anytime for meal recipients
Youth Charity League offers several volunteer opportunities that can be completed from home. Visit their website or follow them on social media to learn more.
Food Delivery – contactless opportunities
p:ear: cook at home, meals for youth experiencing homelessness
Other virtual opportunities
HandsOn Greater Portland: making blankets for newborns
Store to Door: calling homebound clients for weekly grocery orders
The Children’s Book Bank: repair children’s books from home
The Children’s Book Bank: make tote bags for donated books