
This fun and exciting hatha-based class has been designed for the yoga enthusiast! Each class, we will do yoga abs to strengthen the core muscles and help the student to have a strong and healthy back. We will focus on bringing balance into one's practice and life off the mat, through yoga poses, core strength exercises, standing and balance poses while being mindful of the breath and the power it has to heal and invigorate the body and calm the mind.

RECOMMENDED LEVEL: Beginner-Advanced

SCHEDULE: In-Person (Body Works @ PPMC), Tuesdays/Thursdays 9:00-10:00 a.m. PT

FREE CLASS: Registration requested for first time participants so that we can collect your waiver release. Once registered, you will receive an automated confirmation email containing helpful information about attending class in-person.

SPECIAL IN-PERSON CLASS NOTES: Equipment is provided (mat, blocks, bolsters, etc.) or you can bring your own.

YOGI: Simon