Ask the RD
Welcome to our interactive nutrition blog. Yes! You help drive the content of this blog each month by sending in nutrition-focused questions. Our registered dietitian is excited to answer questions to help guide you to living your best, healthiest life.
Your questions are reviewed each month for response and then published in this monthly blog.
We also invite you to use the search bar to find previously answered questions supporting a topic of interest. If we haven’t answered your question yet, please submit and watch the next blog post for your answer.
Ask the RD | March
Our March topics get a little nutty as we break down the nutritional values of almonds to hemp seeds and everything in between. We also get into the details of macro-nutrients for strength training during perimenopause and discuss vitamin deficiencies when following a restrictive diet.
Ask the RD | February
We shine a light on seed oil concerns — does evidence support popular claims. Learn where our energy should be focused when consuming oils — saturated v. unsaturated, LDLs, omega3 and 6! We also dive into the health values of lamb and fueling a body experiencing menopause.
Ask the RD | December
We tackle breakfast creativity beyond eggs while reminding you it's a-okay to enjoy a few each week, help you build a great list of energy-boosting snacks when active outdoors, and we dive further into the world of hot flashes to learn how dietary adjustments can support.
Ask the RD | September
An easy overview about macronutrients – who should be counting – leptins, lectins, and guidance on budget-friendly foods for those following a low-sugar diet. Plus, we've listed some easy kid-friendly snacks to make at home and what to buy when on-the-go.
Ask the RD | May
This month we learn about food choices to neutralize the post-workout sweat odor, strategies for menopausal weight gain and embracing our beautiful selves, and foods to minimize inflammation concerns.